Revolving skewer barbecuing
Originally, skewer barbecuing meant preparing a whole animal (duck, suckling pig etc.) above open fire. The campfire atmosphere and the constant turning of the meat made this barbecuing method so interesting.
Nowadays, apart from the original way of skewer barbecuing with the Thüros Xtreme, you can also use Thüros skewers on Thüros barbecues using the wind deflector where you can fix the skewer. You have other accessories like meat clamps, meat holders, meat baskets and lateral heat charcoal trays to get your food prepared perfectly.
The THÜROS Rotisserie Spit consists of a main spit and two meat clamps. It is recommended to use for barbecuing poultry as a whole or rolled roast.
To prepare the spit, fix the first meat clamp on the main spit. After that, add the food. Depending on the type of food, this can be done by piercing through it or wrapping it around the spit. Secure the food by using the second meat clamp. Before mounting it on the spit, turn the meat clamp 90° to ensure that both clamps intertwine, especially when grilling smaller pieces of meat.
It is recommended to light up the charcoal or briquettes in a charcoal initiator before filling them into the THÜROS charcoal side burner. Embers can be easily added during the rotisserie by filling them into the opening at the top of the side burner. Always use fire-resistant gloves when refilling the charcoal or briquettes.
To prevent meat juice or marinade to drip into the top of the grill, the THÜROS Drip pan can be used during rotisserie. It replaces the cooking grate which is not needed when barbecuing on a spit and can be filled with water.